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Carl Linnaeus is often called the father of modern taxonomy, since he devised the binomial nomenclature (e.g. "Homo sapiens") now universally used by scientists for naming organisms.  Linaeus' life was also filled with many other accomplishments, as described in this Wikipedia article about his life.

The year 2007 marks the 300th anniversary of Linnaeus' birth and, in celebration, the Royal Society hosted a series of public talks in London under the title of "The Evolution of the Animals: A Linnean Tercentenary Celebration", which was attended by over 400 people. This event was co-sponsored by the Linnean Society of London and the Systematics Association.

Jeffrey Boore, CEO of Genome Project Solutions, gave an invited public lecture as part of this celebration entitled "Using Genome Level Characters for Phylogeny".  You can view pdf-formatted documents of the abstract for this talk and for the complete schedule of talks.

A set of manuscripts from these talks will be published by the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, projected for January, 2008. The intent is to further publish an expanded version of these manuscripts as a book led by the celebration's organizers, Dr. Max Telford and Dr. Tim Littlewood.

Boore also served as a session chairman for a day-long "discussion meeting", also in London, of about 30 scientists discussing these and related issues that was hosted by the Novartis Foundation.


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